The Arts Don't Matter

Madame Butterfly It is a very frustrating time to be an artist right now. To say nothing of the fact that we can't perform before a live audience, for those of us who have thrown our energies into writing, it seems that if we are not interested in politics or Donald Trump, our voices don't matter. I have written extensively on racism in the arts, and sexism as well. This year my words have appeared in San Francisco Classical Voice , The Tennessee Tribune , GO Magazine , and most recently in MusicWeb International (based in the U.K.). They were even heard in the podcast Jazz Ready hosted by Magdalena Gomez. But the major outlets (i.e., The New York Times , The New Yorker , New York Magazine , etc.) are only interested in publishing articles on politics and Trump. The Arts don't matter. This was one of the many reason why I spent so much time in Europe. There, the Arts always matter, regardless of what else is going on in the world. They have centuries of history throughout...